The Butterfly Effect...

Growth, Transformation, and Freedom

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Autumn's been gone a while now.
Spring can't come too soon.
Summer is too far from reach now
So I'm left with Winters' blues.
It's so cold out here,
That light and love have frozen through.
It's so dark out here,
That I can barely see
Do I know you?
Are you still like warm apple pie
Fresh out of the oven?
Sweet on my tongue
& soft on my lips?
Do I know you?
I'm piecing together fragmented memories
Just to salvage a glimpse.
A slight reminder of what was.
Remember? me?
Smooth like honey
Hot like tea
Healing like great grandmother's remedies.
Winter, you have overstayed your welcome.
There is no room for you here.
Winter, Go on and get out now
Make room so Spring can draw near.
Because I'm tired of being cold.
Because it's a cold that warm sweaters
and peacoats can't warm!
A cold that fireplaces and brick ovens run from.
It's a cold that love fears, and pain hugs
That hugs pain... and fears love.
And cold medicine doesn't fix that!
It can only be cured by the warmth of the Son.
And it's been raining for what seems like weeks now.
And your clouds have been blocking the sun...

Autumn's been gone a while now.
Spring can't come too soon.
Summer's too far from reach now
I'm left with Winters' blues

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