The Butterfly Effect...

Growth, Transformation, and Freedom

Sunday, September 15, 2019

It's All LOVE!

I just want to start with the disclaimer 
I’m trying to turn broken pieces 
into peace so 
I lead with love.
And when it’s all said and done

But let’s be honest for a minute though

Sir,  please don’t get mad 
If you get “story time”
I get to write this poem 
And if THIS is who you truly are
Then I’m lucky not to know him 
Who I was nothing but kind to
Who’s faults I was ignorantly blind to.  
I’ve got a STACK of your red flags 
that I’ve collected over time
And though I was understanding of your issues
You barely tolerated mine
So I throw in the proverbial towel
I wave my white flag
I find solace in knowing
I gave it all that I had
I count your fuck ups as favor
I count your loss as my gain
I count this lesson
A blessing
Won’t make this mistake again
I keep my vibrations high
And keep my energy clean
Keep my chin up and know
Shits not as bad as it seems. So, 
No apologies needed
Since I’m the one that’s to blame?!?
But, bro the way that YOU handled this?!?
Was nothing but lame
You put the story on blast?
Just to make light of the sh*t?
It didn’t make me look bad
Just Made YOU look like a bitch.
But you’re right though.
It’s not the end of the Earth
It’s just fucked up of you
To not acknowledge the hurt
That you caused
That you fueled
That you dug up then left
And I could try to talk to you
But it’d be a waste of my breathe
So good riddance, now
Ain’t no sweat off my back.
Ain’t no forgiving, no crying 
Cuz man fuck all of that
I’m on one
You were too.
Cuz your temper erupted  
out of the blue
I’m all done. Yeah, nigga I’m through. 
And it’s still all love 🙃

Saturday, September 7, 2019

My Poetry Is Not For Your Entertainment

This piece was inspired by the gentleman who sat next to me a few weeks ago at an open mic and asked me if I were going to perform. When I said no and asked him the same question he answered with “nah. I just came to be entertained”

I looked at him and told him I didn’t like that answer and we dialogued about it. And although I was unable to articulate, in the moment, why I considered his comment offensive.. I told him I would write about it.. When I sat down to write, I was unsure how my thoughts would manifest themself, but this piece is the product of that writing.

My poetry is not for your entertainment.
My pain doesn’t bleed as ink on these pages for your amusement. For your oohs and aahs. Your snaps and claps.. this is not some fucking puppet show. These are my feelings. These are my worries. My stories. This is my life. This is my joy, my peace, my.... therapy.
My poetry is not for your entertainment.
This isn’t Saturday night live. The late show. Comedy Central (is Comedy Central still a thing?) 🤷🏽‍♀️
I digress. 
My tears don’t fall down my cheeks because I want to make my poem look “real”. Nah, it’s because I feel every word that escapes my lips, I inhale every vowel
Exhale every consonant 
Sometimes you get my personal shit
Sometimes I try to make you cognizant 
Of what the fuck is happening in the world
But the one things that’s constant 
Is that my poetry is not for your entertainment.
It’s not shits and giggles or laughs and gags
I don’t bare my soul for the right to brag 
This shit is real to me
It’s a big deal to me
And whether or not you feel me
It heals.... ME
and though i hope helps you too
I don’t give a fuck if it’s entertaining.. 
I didn’t come to entertain you
I don’t write these words 
So that a mundane you
Can find humor in the shit that I’ve gone through 
The men who’ve wronged me, the job I hate, 
The family that’s stressing me or the fact that i can’t wait until being Black is legalized.
But I don’t even want to go down that road tonight. 
I just want to bring to light the fact that my poetry is not for your entertainment. 
So don’t just come here to be entertained
But to receive postitive energy and emit the same
Come for the vibes, come for the healing, come for the exchange 
Of ideas, and passion. And pleasure and pain

But please.. do not insult my art by saying you came to be....


Friday, September 6, 2019


Someone once told me we must 
“Give God control during times of peace or BEG Him to take control during times of chaos!”
This week, for me, has certainly been marred with chaos...

Yet, still, I do not beg.....

If you ask me why I’m angry
Then I will tell you
I will say
That under the umbrella of anger 
Is fear
And there’s so much that I’m afraid of.
And I will tell you what I’m afraid of.

The dark

And not the dark that comes 
when the sun sets and the moon rises. 
When the stars light up the night sky.
But the ABSOLUTE absence of LIGHT.
Where light is synonymous with love 
And love is an intangible


If you ask me why I’m angry 
Then I will tell you
That I have lost more than I’ve gained
And the storms don’t seem to end
When finally lets up the rain
The wind slams me down again.
And I’m afraid.
That I won’t ever be able to stand 
on my own two feet
Without the rain pounding on my face
Or the hurt beating in my heart.
And I can’t hardly see the LIGHT
For darkness RIPPING me apart
And I am ANGRY
Because anger is synonymous 
with FEAR
and I am terrified. 
Of the darkness lingering here.

I wait for morning. 
It’s always darkest before dawn
& after mourning
Comes strength & a will to carry on.
Despite my troubles- Big or small
I am not anger! 
I AM the LOVE that conquers all.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Poetry is so much more than just an outlet for grief and overthought.”

I remember when I declared that I would not write another word from a place of hurt, even if it meant that I would never write again. I didn’t write a poem for years and when I finally picked up my pen again it was because my good friend, JohnnyRay, challenged my journey. I’d said that I wanted to “find my center” - whatever tf that meant 👀 - but JRay asked a pivotal question that taught me that it’s impossible to find your ‘center’ if you refuse to acknowledge what exists there - be it sadness or grief or joy or peace OR WHATEVER. At the core of my existence was a heart full of hurt. I have taken all of that hurt and managed to flip it into unbounded love, and joy, and grace, and peace. For EVERY tear I’ve EVER cried, God has given me a reason to smile (and I’m sure I’ve cried a few million tears in my life so that’s just as many smiles). My life is not always an open book. It doesn’t need to be. No one needs to know all of the bullshit that I have survived. What you need to know... is that I SURVIVED. 
FOR NOW, that has to be enough...
I said I would never write another word from a place grief - and I won’t - because I want the world to see that there is just as much LIGHT as there is darkness, as much joy as there is sadness, and as much HOPE as there is despair. Fuck darkness. Fuck pain. Fuck grief. Let LIGHT be the focus... LET LOVE BE THE FOCUS! If you want to know anything about me know that I am imperfect and flawed and elusive, overly emotional and hella complex, but I am gentle and compassionate and loyal and giving and genuine. 
FOR NOW that has to be enough.
And if it’s not... Well, then... I’m sorry!